“Irene har udviklet en meget sjælden forståelse for form og hendes indlevelsesevne i skitser og materialer er formidable. En ærlighed i forhold til tilskærerfaget og en konstant forpligtigelse til at udføre sit arbejde præcist og perfekt, har ført til gensidig respekt og forståelse.
Irene has developed a very rare understanding of form and her ability to empathize with sketches and materials is formidable. An honesty in relation to the tailoring profession and a constant commitment to carry out his work precisely and perfectly has led to mutual respect and understanding”
“Jeg kan kun give mine varmeste anbefalinger til Irene. Udover hendes skønne personlighed, er hun en yderst talentfuld konstruktør. Irene er effektiv, fleksibel og har gjort underværker for vores process helt fra start-fasen.
I can only give Irene my warmest recommendations. Besides her wonderful personality, she is an extremely talented patternmaker. Irene is efficient, flexible and has done wonders for our process right from the start phase
-Anja Christine Krogh, Head of product development,Saks Potts”
“Når man arbejder sammen med Irene, er det tydeligt at mærke hendes mange års erfaring indenfor faget og hun er en god og uvurderlig sparringspartner.
When you work with Irene, you can feel her many years of experience and she has become an invaluable sparring partner”
“Irene is a master of fit, she works faithfully to achieve the silhouettes and proportions desired. She worked through challenging techical problems delivering fully functional results due to her smart engineering. I found Irene to be as good at her craft as either of the two chefs d’atelier I headed at Givenchy”
“Over the past 2 decades I have had the pleasure to work with Irene. Besides her pleasant and positive personality she is truly professional, thorough, open-minded and reliable. Someone as experienced and highly skilled as Irene is rare to come across.”
-Aase Helena Hansen, co-founder and creative director, Hansen Garments
¨Hun har en utrolig god forståelse for formgivning og transformere vores designs til færdigt produkt med stor ynde, og er utrolig dejlig at arbejde med¨
She has an incredibly good understanding of design and transforms our designs into the finished product with great grace, and is incredibly nice to work with
- Caroline Engelgaar, Creative Director Mark Tan
“Udover at være en meget dygtig konstruktør, har Irene også en fin fornemmelse og god indsigt i de produktionsmæssige forhold og har derfor haft en stor betydning for udviklingen og vedligeholdelse af kvalitetsniveauet i vore produkter.
In addition to being a very skilled patternmaker, Irene also has a good feeling and good insight into the production conditions and has therefore had a great impact on the development and maintenance of the quality level in our products.”
“I know that Irene would be a tremendous asset for your company and has my highest and most sincere recommendation”
Copyright: Mollin
Copyright: Susanne Rohrman